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CCDD#6 Privacy Policy: This is a free Google site. Google "keeps" your data, but we don't use it for any purpose. The Cache County Drainage District #6 is one of four special local government entities that exist to help ensure good drainage within their boundaries, which all fall within the city of Lewiston. Its board of trustees membership is made up of appointees approved by the Cache County Council. Board members include:     Brandon Allen, President     Hunter Siggard, Vice President     Dennis Jackson, Clerk     JoLynne Lyon, Secretary/Treasurer     Eric Summers, Board Member Plat of district boundaries.
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CCDD#6 Minutes 3.11.24

  Utah Public Notice Board of Trustees Regular meeting: Cache County Drainage District #6 Notice Date & Time : 3/11/24 7:00 PM -3/11/24 8:30 PM Approved 6/10/24 Description/Agenda: Report on discussions with Fransen engineering: Hunter reported on the meeting with Fransen Engineering. Hunter and Brandon mentioned the pump, but they are open to changes. They can’t do much until Cub River gets more grants or finds more money. They expected to be farther along now. Fransen figured the planned diesel pump behind Randy Warren’s property would speed up drainage by 24 or 48 hours. Brandon and Hunter said it could be better to wait than to deal with expensive overhead for small returns. They also shared areal footage of places where the water stands. A pipe goes from the canal near Hunter’s home past Main and continues east, and the pipe could be used to move water—but it would be pumped against gravity. Brandon said the drain is currently in better shape than he’s seen it in his career an

CCDD#6 minutes 1.29.24

  Board of Trustees, Cache County Drainage District Regular Meeting 1/29/24 Notice Date & Time : 1/29/24 7:00 PM -1/29/24 8:30 PM Description/Agenda: 1.       Review minutes Minutes were approved. Brandon made the motion, Dennis seconded.   2.       Swear in new members Hunter and Eric were sworn in     3. Elect officers                JoLynne suggested that whoever doesn’t have an officer assignment helps determine if taxes were collected for every parcel in the district. Dennis said some positions take a great learning curve.    Hunter moved we elect Brandon as chairman and send him to talk to Cub River. Eric seconded. Motion carried unanimously. JoLynne nominated Hunter as the vice chairman. Eric seconded. Motion carried unanimously. He will accompany Brandon in Cub River discussions. Dennis was elected unanimously as clerk JoLynne was appointed unanimously as secretary treasurer Eric will help figure out whether taxes were collected on property in the district       3. Determin

Regular Meeting and Public Hearing Minutes 12.27.23

  Regular Meeting and Public Hearing Notice Date & Time : 12/27/23 6:35 AM -12/27/23 7:00 PM Present: Dennis, Brandon, JoLynne, Eric and Hunter. From District 4: Adam Johnson and Mr. Barlow Nobody came to the hearing.         NOTE: THIS REGULAR MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING REPLACED THE DEC 14 MEETING AND HEARING, WHICH WAS CANCELED.   The Cache County Drainage District #6 Board of Trustees meets at 7 pm on Dec. 27, 2023 to consider the following:   The board opened by moving the fifth item up to be first on the agenda:    Determining whether to help District 4 with survey payment .    Dennis said the county had made funds available to the districts for the survey. District. 6 and 4 moved the boundary between the two and did a formal annexation. That included a detailed survey between the two and moving some parcels from District 4 to District 6, which made the survey more expensive than anticipated. This was further complicated by a merger between Foresight and another firm, which di

CCDD#6 Minutes 8.14.23

  Board of Trustees , Cache County Drainage Dist. #6 Meeting Notice Date & Time : 8/14/23 7:00 PM -8/14/23 7:30 PM Present: Dennis, JoLynne, Brandon and Eric         The Cache County Drainage District #6 Board of Trustees met to adopt a resolution finalizing its boundaries and annexation area. Brandon moved to adopt, Eric seconded, motion carried unanimously.        

Cache County Drainage District #6 Board of Trustees Minutes 7.20.23

                 Meeting July 20, 2023 07:00 PM IN attendance: JoLynne, Dennis and Eric. Brandon came at 8.     Self-evaluation  Dennis brought a form and we went through it. The answers to all the questions will be identical for 2022 and 2023. Eric will sign it and it will be sent on.       borders and annexation—Dennis said we still have questions about steps needed to complete the annexation. There is a difference of opinion between District 4, that has completed their annexation, and the engineer who surveyed both District 4 and District 6.   We may have waited too long and need to do another public hearing.   Also, Jeff of Foresight says we owe him a few hundred dollars. We can pay him after we are done with all the steps to free our finances.   A fraud assessment will also need to be completed.    We will continue on August 22.   Meeting Location 710 W 800 S  Lewiston, UT 84320  Contact Name JoLynne Lyon Contact Email Contact Phone (453)232-3733  

CCDD 6 minutes 06-06-2023

  Cache County Drainage District #6 Board of Trustees Meeting   June 6, 6:30 at 710 W 800 S   Present: Dennis Jackson, Eric Summers, JoLynne Lyon, Brandon Allen   Items on the Agenda:   1)       Finish boundaries/annexation Dennis said the papers were at his office and he will look for them. Jeff will find it if we can’t. Dennis will follow up to see what needs to happen. The board can continue without a fifth member as long as there’s not a tie vote.   The board discussed how to replace Bill Wright. Landon Hyer’s name came up, so did Stacey Early, so did Granger Haviland. We will submit names to Dave Ericson.  2) Financial report   Tyler Hinckley was paid by Dennis, but the district is unable to disburse funds so it didn’t come out of the district funds. We owe Dennis $1607.  We have about $15,000 that we can’t use.     Dennis said the problem began when we changed banks. We need to adjust the 2021 year end balance to reflect 2021 disbursements. The money came in, went to Cache Valley

Cache County Drainage District 6 Board of Trustees 10-17-22

10/17/22 7:00 PM -10/17/22 8:00 PM In attendance: Dennis, Brandon, JoLynne and Jeff Nielsen of Foresight Surveying Description/Agenda:         Items on the agenda included:   1.      Approve minutes from public hearing— Brandon moved to accept, JoLynne seconded, motion passed unanimously. 2.      Discuss proposed budget Dennis read an email from the local government team of the office of the state auditor. Due to a missing financial report, quarterly transparency reports and self-evaluation and an updated version of the 2021 budget, and a semi-annual report to the state auditor, we can’t disburse funds.   3.      Adopt resolution for Annexation/District Boundaries Jeff said he will need to study the legal requirements to make sure they are all met. JoLynne sent him and the board members a copy of the resolution to be adopted.   4. Plan for fall maintenance                Dennis said a place will be dug tomorrow even though our funds are frozen. The slope on the embankment on 1600 S whe