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CCDD#6 Minutes 3.11.24

 Utah Public Notice

Board of Trustees

Regular meeting: Cache County Drainage District #6

Notice Date & Time: 3/11/24 7:00 PM -3/11/24 8:30 PM

Approved 6/10/24


Report on discussions with Fransen engineering: Hunter reported on the meeting with Fransen Engineering. Hunter and Brandon mentioned the pump, but they are open to changes. They can’t do much until Cub River gets more grants or finds more money. They expected to be farther along now.

Fransen figured the planned diesel pump behind Randy Warren’s property would speed up drainage by 24 or 48 hours. Brandon and Hunter said it could be better to wait than to deal with expensive overhead for small returns. They also shared areal footage of places where the water stands.

A pipe goes from the canal near Hunter’s home past Main and continues east, and the pipe could be used to move water—but it would be pumped against gravity. Brandon said the drain is currently in better shape than he’s seen it in his career and it should work if it’s maintained. 

Brandon said a seven-day period might be reasonable given the district’s slope.

Dennis attended the stockholder’s meeting at Cub River and it sounds like they are back to square one because the original grant isn’t enough to see it though. They’ve scrapped the original grant and applied for a new one. The environmental impact studies have been held up in Washington DC as a result of COVID.

Chad said a meeting with NRCS was supposed to determine how it will go, and it sounds like they will need more money. The timeline is now longer than 5 years. Brandon and Hunter asked to be kept in the loop.

1.    Adding new policies and procedures 

Brandon said we could add a policy that if a landowner is willing to replace an old culvert, we could dig out the old one. Dennis said enough pivots have bene put in there may not be any more, but if there needs to be a crossing for a pivot, the section that allows for that crossing also needs to be cleaned. 


The board also worked on a policy for removing obstacles in the drain. Two policies were drafted and adopted.


Bramdon said we should encourage bridges wherever possible.  



2. Discussing the performance of the drain

               Drainage is going much better on the corner of main and 800 S. Brandon’s fields were under water for a while but eventually the drain caught up. Southwest is also doing well. Hunter mentioned an area at the Southwest corner of 800 S and 800 E, and JoLynne mentioned one near main and 1600 W. 


Dennis said he has heard from Laurel, a landowner, who was concerned .Blake had offered to go to the southeast corner of their field and dig up the culverts that were running in front of John Myrup’s home. John said no. She asked if we could work with them and Blake is willing to do the labor. The problem is affecting two homes north now. Brandon said we could talk to landowners and encourage them to follow Utah code to avoid the liability of property damage upstream. 


Brandon said we could invite people from those four parcels to address drainage. Hunter asked if two of us should go talk to him. Hunter and Brandon will go tomorrow. If that doesn’t work, Hunter will go with another board member.


3. Culvert replacement on 800 south—Hunter asked if that should be the first priority when there are other places that are having larger drainage problems. Brandon has talked to the mayor a couple of times, asking if the city can patch the asphault after a culvert is replaced. It’s in the budget to patch the road. Mayor added that if we put in a longer pipe, the city would foot half the cost of the pipe. There’s a council meeting next Tuesday. 1600 W will be more expensive, deeper and wider and there are more utilities. Brandon said we may be able to do both. Brandon will go to the council and get us started.




4. Address Drainage District website issues


Brandon heard from the State Auditor that our website doesn’t have a privacy policy. JoLynne said if she can find out what is needed she will try to fix it. There is a contractor that would help with a website but it is likely too expensive for our budget.                                           

JoLynne Lyon ,, (453)232-3733


Minutes Approved 6.10.24


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